What Can You Do To Me?


This word represented a figure admired by countless people. Someone as great as the skies.

Many Saints remembered that the number of Supremacies was small and had remained the same ever since they had started their cultivation journey.

Actually, there was one less Celestial World Supremacy, yet no one had joined the ranks.

Had Luo Yunyang really become a Supremacy? Many people were shocked when that was mentioned.

Of course, some people also questioned the factuality of the statement. "Supremacies are ultimate figures and rulers of the void. It is rumored that when one becomes a Supremacy, mysterious phenomena take place in the sky. How could Luo Yunyang become a Supremacy when nothing happened before?"

People accepted this argument rather quickly. After all, the statement that Luo Yunyang had become a Supremacy was too shocking to accept.