Killing Till The Heavens Wail

Blue Lotus Daozi had been killed, the Bug Race had lost three queen nests, and the Machine Empire had lost hundreds of sacred cities. All this had been done single-handedly by Luo Yunyang.

The damages caused sent a shockwave across all four factions.

The Blood Lotus Supremacy was still in a frenzy as he chased after Luo Yunyang. However, he couldn't even sense any trace of Luo Yunyang after rampaging through the void, let alone deal any damage to him.

"What do you want, Devil?" The Blood Lotus Supremacy was very upset about Blue Lotus Daozi's death. He wouldn't have picked up the call if it hadn't been a Supremacy.

"Blood Lotus, return and guard your Endless Lotus Pool already!" The Devil Supremacy sounded rather harsh.

"What did you just say?" The Blood Lotus Supremacy had never expected his comrade to say something like that to him.

This made him even more upset!