One-Yuan Universe

There were many guards around the cave abode where Luo Yunyang trained in seclusion. While they knew that no one would foolishly disturb Luo Yunyang's cultivation, they still had to be cautious and professional.

This was not just because of their reverence for the status of the person inside the cave abode, but also because of their respect for the man who had single-handedly brought the Human Tribe to its current position.

Luo Yunyang, who was inside the cave abode, did not know about the patrols outside. He didn't think that anyone would dare to disturb his training.

He was sitting with his eyes shut while his consciousness was inside his internal universe. In the middle of his internal Celestial Domain was the Eternal Divine Pestle.

The huge piles of precious material that surrounded the pestle had just turned into ashes.

They were replaced by spiritual essence that formed pillars that were thousands of meters tall.