Controlling The Sky And Earth

A Dragon Soars Into The Sky Over A Ten-Thousand-Mile-High Mountain.

Luo Yunyang lay lazily on an old broken rocking chair, gazing far into the distance. Those words had been carved on the miles-tall peak by an unmatched sword Qi.

On the surface, Luo Yunyang appeared like he was daydreaming. However, he was actually alert and deep in thought. He was pondering about the Purple Cloud Cosmos.

In terms of laws and other aspects, the Purple Cloud Cosmos wasn't a really exceptional place.

The cultivation paths here were stronger compared to the Divine Union Void. However, it was still way behind in comparison to Luo Yunyang's Inextinguishable Eternity Scripture.

According to the memories of the former owner of this body, the Purple Cloud Cosmos did not seem to have any Martial Path Heavenly Tribulations. However, it had an area called the Nine Tribulation Thunder Lake, which allowed martialists to rid themselves of whatever shortcomings they had.