Number One On The Man Roll

Song Yuange looked through the Man Roll excitedly. First on the Man Roll!

The man who was said to have fallen from grace had once again set foot on the apex.

Although Song Yuange had expected this outcome, the announcement still made her happy.

In the Qian Heng Dynasty, the first position on the Man Roll carried more weight than the last few positions on the Earth Roll. Furthermore, Mo Yunxiao had even defeated the Purple Green Twin Swords.

While Song Yuange was secretly rejoicing, the communication jade piece hanging on her waist suddenly lit up.

Song Yuange hesitated for a moment before eventually picking it up.

A short while later, Song Yuange arrived outside the transportation portal in the Soaring Dragon Union. A golden radiance illuminated it as three figures emerged from the empty portal.

"Ninth Princess, why have you come?" Song Yuange said warmly.