
In the Purple Cloud Great Cosmos, the three Great Heavenly Venerates were dumbfounded. They really did not know how to feel right now.

How was this possible?

They were well aware of Long Teng's background. It would have made sense if Long Teng had defeated Luo Yunyang with a slap.

However, Luo Yunyang had actually defeated Long Teng with a single move. What was even more shocking was that they recognized the move Luo Yunyang had executed.

It was the Single Sword Suppressing Five Cosmoses!

This had been the Heart Sword Heavenly Venerate's move. Even when he had become a sixth-level Heavenly Venerate, he had still often used this move. They were no strangers to this move, as they had fought with the Heart Sword Heavenly Venerate in the past.