Moving A Rock But Dropping It On One's Foot

After receiving the request of the Long Family's Patriarch, Jinyuan never considered that his nephew, Yin Yang Zongzi, who had progressed steadily for 100,000 years and was widely considered the strongest elite below a Heavenly Venerate, could lose.

In his opinion, whoever matched up against Yin Yang Zongzi in Hong Meng Sacred Hall's selection would be very unlucky.

However, the comments that appeared in the Hong Meng Realm made Jinyuan inexplicably uncomfortable. His sin would be too great if Yin Yang Zongzi really lost to Luo Yunyang this time.

It would be akin to destroying Yin Yang Zongzi's 100,000 years of waiting in just a moment.

Impossible. Yin Yang Zongzi was terrifyingly talented. How could he be defeated by Luo Yunyang? His Yin Yang Samsara Eye would even make a fifth-level Heavenly Venerate suffer.

As Jinyuan consoled himself, he saw two streaks of blood streaking out from the eyes of Yin Yang Zongzi.