Greater Transportation Token; Qiankun Geographical Map

Luo Yunyang quickly entered a palace that was not too conspicuous outside Hong Meng Sacred Hall. This was the core region where missions were assigned and people departed from Hong Meng Sacred Hall.

"Sir, I'm here to take on a mission," Luo Yunyang told a lazy-looking old man sitting behind an old table as if he were dozing off.

He did not believe that the old man was dozing off, as he could not sense the old man's cultivation with his mind power at all.

Luo Yunyang believed that this was enough to assume that the old man's strength was extraordinary.

"Ahem… Young man, it is impolite of you to disturb an old man like me." The old man was wearing dusty clothes, and the most conspicuous thing about him was his muddy eyes.

He would have been an ordinary old man if he had been in an ordinary world. However, since he was there, his identity had to be very important.