Great Heavenly Venerate Scarlet Red; One Thought One Realm

What was a Great Heavenly Venerate?

Great Heavenly Venerates were the strongest entities in the cosmos. Their words were the law, and they could kill at will. One could say that, regardless of how big an issue was, it could basically be solved by a few words of a Great Heavenly Venerate.

The old man with the scarlet eyes that had appeared was one of the four Great Heavenly Venerates of Yunguang Cosmos, Great Heavenly Venerate Scarlet Red.

Many people, especially ordinary disciples of the Forsaken Sky Sword Sect, heaved sighs of relief upon his arrival.

The earth and sky could be ruined by a Heavenly Venerate's wrath.

Although there were Heavenly Venerates in the Forsaken Sky Sword Sect, even their Patriarch, Heavenly Venerate Qingyuan, had already lost to Luo Yuanchu, who was of unknown origin. The moment Luo Yuanchu flipped out, the Forsaken Sky Sword Sect would experience devastation.