Changes To The Three Rolls

When the Chaotic Four-Origin Beast advanced to the Heavenly Venerate level, the various attributes of the Chaotic Four-Origin Beast displayed on the attribute regulator experienced multifold increases.

In terms of Power, a 20-time increase took place compared to the Universe Grade, before the Chaotic Four-Origin Beast had broken through.

Without the attribute regulator, this increase might also have been limited to Luo Yunyang. However, through the adjustments of the attribute regulator, this increase was actually a massive leap for Luo Yunyang's strength.

To put it simply, the advancement of the Chaotic Four-Origin Beast was even more powerful than the second-level universe that Luo Yunyang had already formed.

As the Chaotic Four-Origin Beast advanced, even more inherited memories belonging to the Chaotic Four-Origin Beast were awakened within Luo Yunyang's mind.