Eight-Treasure Dragon Transformation Pool

In a void space in Hong Meng Sacred Hall that was unknown to many, Yuan Venerate White Crane bowed respectfully before three shadows and greeted them. "My respects to the three Hall Masters."

Yuan Venerate Almighties stood at the apex of existence and Yuan Venerate White Crane was also the leader of the Seven Sacred Emissaries. Hence, his status could be considered high and mighty.

Only the three Hall Masters of Hong Meng Sacred Hall could be greeted by Yuan Venerate White Crane in such a respectful manner.

The Hall Master seated in the middle said, "White Crane, why did you seek an audience now?"

"Hall Master, I am here to apologize for his wrongdoings. I have to explain why two changes were made to the Hong Meng Heaven Roll in a day," Yuan Venerate White Crane said apologetically.

The Hall Master in the middle did not say anything, but the Hall Master on the left replied, "This is not your fault."