Yuan Tian Mystic Realm

Luo Yunyang wasn't too sure what the Yuan Tian Mystic realm was. However, he definitely wouldn't decline these free benefits.

Although some people believed that there was no such thing as a free lunch, Luo Yunyang still decided to enjoy these benefits the Sacred Wyrm Tribe was giving him before considering anything else.

Luo Yunyang couldn't know how far the Yuan Tian Mystic Realm was from the Eight-Treasure Dragon Transformation Pool either. Meanwhile, Aoyun Donghai handed over a token when Luo Yunyang accepted and said, "Yunyang Zongzi, using this seal will allow you to enter Yuan Tian Mystic Realm."

"This jade seal allows you to spend a day in Yuan Tian Mystic Realm. The Patriarch has said that you can select one of the various mystic arts within Yuan Tian Mystic Realm."

Select a mystic art? In Cen Tianlong's opinion, this was even more generous than allowing Luo Yunyang to enter Yuan Tian Mystic Realm to gain enlightenment.