Return To Mysterious Sky

The person that had designed this set of cultivation techniques hadn't even mastered it. Thus, it was evident what the probability of successfully mastering these cultivation techniques was.

However, Luo Yunyang didn't care whether this set of techniques was complete or not. Deep down, he could even guess why the designer hadn't been able to successfully master it.

The reason was simple. This person had seen through the extrinsic part of the Sky Splitting Repetition Strike and envisaged a really incredible idea to break down this cultivation technique. However, he had lacked the most core point of the Sky Splitting Repetition Strike Mystic Art.

The core of this mystic art only existed in the imparted memories of a Chaotic Four-Origin Beast. The designer of that technique had had no way of obtaining such a thing. However, the complete cultivation technique of the Sky Splitting Repetition Strike was in Luo Yunyang's grasp.