The Gathered Spiritual Sky Destroyer Scripture

"Human Tribe worm, looks like my luck isn't too bad. I actually ran into you right off the bat!" Three blue-ish halos of light rose above that Mysterious Underworld Heavenly Venerate as he spoke.

One halo represented a universe. This Mysterious Underworld Heavenly Venerate was using this method to display his own cultivation.

He was a third-level Heavenly Venerate!

Luo Yunyang didn't have a favorable opinion of the Mysterious Underworld Race. Now that he had encountered one, the first thing he thought of was to obliterate this being. However, just as he was about to make a move, an extremely incisive golden spear-light shot towards his spiritual consciousness.

Sneak attack! This Mysterious Underworld Heavenly Venerate seemed to have been preparing to crush Luo Yunyang with his strength. He had suddenly used a mind mystic art to launch a sneak attack.

Consciousness Obliteration!