Five Elements Minus One

Dang! Dang! Dang!

The chiming of bells in Hong Meng Sacred Hall echoed continuously throughout the void like a knell. The Hong Meng Sacred Hall Zongzis who heard the bell quickly gathered on a square outside the hall.

"Greetings, Divine Elder!" The people that had gathered were slightly puzzled when they saw the Divine Elder rather than the familiar faces of Yuan Venerate Baihe and the other Yuan Venerates.

However, they still knew how to act even though they were slightly confused.

Xuantian Zhaoxing was as enthralling as ever thanks to the aura of vitality he exuded. His cultivation base had reached the eighth-level Heavenly Venerate, and he had an overwhelming sacred image of 10,000 dragons that had been condensed.

Li Jiuyue and the rest, who weren't as good as Xuantian Zhaoxing, had cultivation bases at the peak of the seventh-level Heavenly Venerate. It could be said that all of them had the potential to become big shots.