How Greedy

"Yunyang, you don't have to be courteous now. The Golden Mysterious Lord is loaded. You don't have to help him scrimp. It would be very rude of you to look down on the Golden Mysterious Lord in this way!" The Middle Hall Master spoke bluntly without any attempt to hide his opinion.

Luo Yunyang definitely had no intention of going easy on the Golden Mysterious Lord. There weren't many things he desired now, but every single one of those things was extraordinary.

"Thank you for your advice, Middle Hall Master. I'm still young and I would have carelessly offended the Golden Mysterious Lord by looking down on him!" Luo Yunyang replied courteously, as if he was very afraid.

In fact, only he knew exactly how afraid he was.

The Golden Mysterious Lord was not pleased with the way the Middle Hall Master had encouraged Luo Yunyang, but he knew that he had to bow before them since he was at a disadvantage.