An Ancient Family Equal To Emperors

Qin Longchuan didn't understand how he was able to walk into this magnificent hall. All his thoughts were a complete mess.

What would happen if the talisman didn't work or if no one recognized it?

However, while Qin Longchuan was worrying, he slowly realized that nobody was focused on him.

Qin Longchuan finally calmed down while his attention shifted to the scene in front of him.

"What? Sect Master Yue looks down on me, Tuoba Jun, and my family?" a middle-aged man who seemed to be in his forties said. He had a handsome face and gave off an air of elegance.

However, everyone who knew Tuoba Jun knew that the head of the Tuoba Family was a dangerous person. The people in the most danger were those he took in as concubines.

Although no one knew why the concubines taken in by Tuoba Jun went missing, everyone knew he had taken in more than a dozen concubines in the last thousand years.