Three Eras As One; Unrivaled Fists

Atop a mountain peak, Luo Yunyang and Yuan Venerate Three Era sat on two mats talking about cultivation.

The two of them were basically discussing the Three Era Supreme Techniques of the Three Era Supreme Sect. Although Luo Yunyang was very familiar with the three different techniques, he was still able to achieve a better understanding after being enlightened by Yuan Venerate Three Era.

For example, he learned about utilizing the Three Era Bodies to fight different battles as well as how to merge the Three Era Bodies into one.

However, what really benefited Luo Yunyang the most was the explanation of Yuan Venerate Three Era about the origin of the Three Era Supreme Scripture.

Luo Yunyang had stopped over in the Pure Sun Great Cosmos for more than 100 years, and most of the time he had spent there he had been in the Three Era Supreme Sect's subsidiary, the Glazed Titan Sect.