
The Long Family Patriarch felt at ease while hearing Luo Yunyang's razor-sharp words. Yes, he felt at ease.

Although all the things being said were directed at him, the Long Family Patriarch was cool with it. After all, the more arrogantly Luo Yunyang acted, the better it would be for him. He was more afraid of Luo Yunyang hiding ill intentions behind a friendly smile like a smooth, slimy loach.

"Brother Yunyang, I have lived somewhat longer than you, so I can explain to you some of the ways of the world."

The Long Family Patriarch was smiling wide just like a gentleman as he told Luo Yunyang in an indulgent manner, "It's better to squash enmity than keep it burning. My family had some enmity with you in the past because there's no concord without discord. The Long Family is willing to compensate you this time!"