Fight Me If You Dare; Taichu Yuan Venerate

Luo Yunyang wasn't aware of the situation with the Middle Hall Master. However, he knew that he couldn't cower no matter what!

The Long Family Patriarch would be taken away the moment he backed down. If that happened, the enmity between him and the Long Family Patriarch would never be resolved. Hence, Luo Yunyang decided to make his move here.

His mind activated the Great Obligation Millstone, which began to rotate.

The Long Family Patriarch desperately conjured the divine light to envelop himself and tried to resist the power of the Great Obliteration Millstone. Unfortunately, he was already stuck in it. It definitely wasn't an easy task to break free of the restraints of the Great Obliteration Millstone.

In an instant, half of the light shrouding his body had been erased.