Sky Martial Sacred Bowl

In the Endless Underworld, nine identical Jiuzi Xuanmings were seated on nine tall erected stones. On first look, there didn't seem to be any differences between these nine.

"We are sincerely honored by your presence, Hall Master!" The nine voices spoke and reverberated strangely in the void.

"If you were sincere, then this whole place wouldn't exist." The Ancient Underworld Hall Master jested.

Jiuzi Xuanming chuckled. "You rarely joke with me. Looks like you haven't brought good news today."

"No good news," the Ancient Underworld Hall Master said, "The Sky Martial Underworld Hall Master and the others believe that you shouldn't be the only candidate to gain the Second Ancient Yuan Underworld Lord's inheritance. They have proposed an opponent to compete with you, and I have agreed."

A faint smile appeared on Jiuzi Xuanming's face. "Indeed, the opponent they suggested is interesting."