Living Things Are Like Ants In The Face Of Great Power

Ancient Underworld Hall was situated above the nine skies and was the strongest force in the entire Mysterious Underworld Race. Like the Hong Meng Sacred Hall of the Human Race, Ancient Underworld Hall also cultivated geniuses.

However, compared to the elite training in Hong Meng Sacred Hall, Ancient Underworld Hall was more relaxed when it came to training their disciples.

Of course, it was much more dangerous inside.

Thus, in addition to the fact that Ancient Underworld Hall was located above the nine skies, it also possessed an underworld mountain that had a radius of millions of miles.

Because Ancient Underworld Hall wasn't a place that the average person could enter, many Mysterious Underworld martialists treated this place as sacred land.

Naturally, all the disciples of Ancient Underworld Hall were also proud people. They did not even think that ordinary Mysterious Underworld martialists were worthy of their concern.