Accumulated Grievances; Great Mysterious Underworld War

The Sky Martial Underworld Hall Master's gaze was cold!

Even though the Sky Intellect Underworld Hall Master's words had tempted him slightly, Nalanye's words had thoroughly cleared any warmth he had felt.

What Nalanye had said was absolutely right. If Nalanye had fallen, then Ancient Underworld Hall, who lorded over the Mysterious Underworld Race, would definitely have beaten down Sky Martial Underworld Hall.

Furthermore, he wouldn't have been able to keep his position as the Sky Martial Underworld Hall Master.

This was such a predictable outcome. Were they now expecting him to go lenient for the sake of the greater good? Wasn't all this just too silly?

The rancor he had in his heart against the Sky Intellect Underworld Hall Master increased when he recalled the Sky Intellect Underworld Hall Master's words.