So What About The Six-Sky Sealing Sun Great Array

His own father had actually left behind this sort of ultimate treasure! Many thoughts raced through Luo Yunyang's mind.

If even Luo Dong'er couldn't break through the barrier of this treasure, it was evident that what his mother had brought was something extraordinary.

Luo Yunyang quickly spread his spiritual consciousness out to envelop the surrounding void. He wanted to find even the slightest hint in the void.

Unfortunately, when Luo Yunyang's spiritual consciousness spread into the surrounding void, he discovered that he wasn't able to find anything.

Given Luo Yunyang's spiritual consciousness, even a Taichu Yuan Venerate entity trying to pull off some petty tricks would also be easily detected by him.

However, he had actually gained nothing and was unable to discover a single thing.

After mulling this over for a moment, Luo Yunyang was no longer willing to continue waiting. He immediately started to reverse space and time.