Delivering A Message

Si Yun finally met Nalanye three days later!

This wasn't the first time Si Yun was meeting Nalanye. Back then, Nalanye had merely been a junior in the eyes of Si Yun. Now, Nalanye had completely changed and become an entity that needed to be respected.

"Greetings, Hall Master Nalanye." Even though the Ancient Six Families were very proud, Si Yun still had to lower his head in this case.

Luo Yunyang felt like viciously beating the fellow who was groveling before him. This fellow had always acted high and mighty in front of the Human Race, yet he was lowering his head before Luo Yunyang's Mysterious Underworld clone embodiment.

He glanced at Ouyang Tengfei, who was standing behind him, and noticed a look of slight disdain on his face.

"No need for formalities. Take a seat, Si Family's Third Patriarch!" Luo Yunyang said casually.