Capturing the Left Hall Master

In the entire Hong Meng Sacred Hall, the Left Hall Master had always been famed for being emphatic. Even the previous Middle Hall Master had always respected the Left Hall Master.

There had even been many times when the previous Middle Hall Master would give way to the Left Hall Master for many matters.

The three hall masters that existed side by side was an aspect of the past Hong Meng Sacred Hall.

Now, Luo Yunyang, who was a newly-ascended Yuan Venerate, had used incisive methods to open fire against the Left Hall Master, making many people wonder if he was being too impatient.

However, what was even more shocking was the Left Hall Master's counterattack. The moment this was said, there was practically no turning back.

If the new Middle Hall Master didn't give way, there would very possibly be an internal conflict within Hong Meng Sacred Hall.

This was very bad!