Battling The Six Suns Once Again

"Of course, I didn't come to see you this time just to tell you this," Feng Feifei said with a bewitching smile. "Even though I haven't really talked in many years, it isn't so bad that I would run over to Hong Meng Sacred Hall to find someone to chat with."

"I came over just because I wanted to see exactly how great the most talented person in this era was."

"This will also give me a more accurate estimation of the current situation!"

Luo Yunyang felt that he could believe Feng Feifei when she said this. He pondered it for a moment before saying, "If we make a move against the Ancient Six Families, will you help us or the Ancient Six Families?"

"Your current strength can't break the Six-Sky Sealing Sun Great Array. Therefore, it wouldn't be of much use even if you caused great harm to the current disciples of the Ancient Six Families."