A Great Era Of Change

The Long Family of the Longlin Great Cosmos!

Luo Yunyang understood immediately when he heard Long Fantian's words. It was no wonder that Long Fantian had been so hostile to him when they'd met.

No wonder!

It seemed like Long Fantian and the Long Family of the Longlin Great Cosmos had a rather deep relation. It was because of this relation that Long Fantian was so hostile to him.

Luo Yunyang had a cold look in his eyes as these thoughts went through his mind. However, he couldn't allow any mistakes to happen now.

Of course, he couldn't appear to be weak!

"He he… How could I forget the traitors of the Human Race?" Luo Yunyang glanced at Long Fantian and said insipidly, "Could Mr. Long Fantian share the same origins as the Long Family of the Longlin Great Cosmos?"

"In that case, I want to remind Mr. Long Fantian to absolutely not learn anything from that family. Regardless of status, all traitors of the Human Race have to be eradicated!"