Supreme Path

One Taiyi Yuan Venerate, six half-step Taiyi Yuan Venerates, 143 Taichu Yuan Venerates, and nearly 3,000 Taishi Yuan Venerates!

These numbers were the entire current force of Tianding Realm!

The sole Taiyi Yuan Venerate was naturally the Human Race's Divine Ancestor. Generally speaking, the Human Race's Divine Ancestor would not interfere personally with things going on within the Human Race.

But what about the six half-step Taiyi Yuan Venerates? For example, the First Hall Master of Hong Meng Sacred Hall. In Luo Yunyang's opinion, he was definitely not like the Human Race's Divine Ancestor, who could give up everything for the sake of the Human Race.

There were a hundred million martialists in the entire Tianding Realm, and the weakest were already at the peak Nebula Grade.

Such martialists could only become servants, as people without a Heavenly Venerate cultivation need not think about moving alone.