Half-Step Taiyi

The celestial emperor overlooked everything, combining the paths of heaven and earth into one.

The projection of a celestial emperor appeared in the space above the path to the heavens. However, practically everyone felt an urge to be subservient the instant they saw this projection.

That's right, subservient.

This was the sort of subservience the weak felt for the strong and the subjects of a monarch felt for them.

Practically all martialists of the 36 Great Cosmoses intended to resist Long Fantian. They all hoped that the person who would become the Human Ruler would be Luo Yunyang and not Long Fantian.

However, when the projection of this celestial emperor appeared, the idea that this being was the actual Human Ruler appeared in many people's hearts.

Even Yuan Venerate entities subconsciously felt like pledging their allegiance to such a mighty person, let alone ordinary martialists

The Human Ruler! This should be the Human Ruler!