Ascension To Human Ruler

"The gall of you! You actually attacked the seal of the Human Ruler! You really disregard law and natural morality!" The voice of Yuan Venerate Flowing Sky reverberated throughout the void.

The other five half-step Yuan Venerates didn't seem very pleased either. The seal of the Human Ruler chose its owner and it had chosen Long Fantian. In their opinion, this was really appropriate.

However, the trouble-making Luo Yunyang had actually used unreasonable means against the seal of the Human Ruler during this selection.

The seal of the Human Ruler was terrified of Luo Yunyang's might and had pledged its allegiance to him. This was blasphemy in the eyes of Yuan Venerate Flowing Sky and the others.

Even so, Luo Yunyang had still made his move on the seal of the Human Ruler.