Star Sky Supremacy

Zhenyu City, the border between the Human Race and the Divine Incarcerate Race, was where all the powerhouses of the Human Race had now gathered. It could be said that all the Yuan Venerate powerhouses of the Human Race had gathered outside Zhenyu City.

The Da Qian Master overlooked Zhenyu City somberly.

Although the joined attack of the Divine Incarcerate Race and the Star Sky Race had not yet begun and Luo Yunyang had already entered the Divine Incarcerate Race, this still made him feel that the pressure on him was overwhelming.

He felt that he wasn't going to endure such pressure for much longer.

He was also unwilling to let himself bear such pressure.

"Da Qian Master, you don't have to take everything into your own hands. After all, the key to this isn't us," said the Xuan Pin Sacred Hall Master. She looked at the solemn facial expression on the face of the Da Qian Master and softly comforted him.