Benefits For Two

"Divine Ancestor, are you implying that if I were to use the Sky Wielding Crystal, I would not have a chance to become the Taiyi Yuan Venerate?" said Luo Yunyang while putting on an anxious facade. Contrary to this expression, he was calm and collected deep down.

It was only normal that he appeared anxious. Appearing unperturbed would seem abnormal.

Yuan Venerate Flowing Sky and everyone else was beaming. Even though Luo Yunyang currently possessed the Sky Wielding Crystal, his inability to become a Taiyi Yuan Venerate meant that the rest of them still stood a chance.

Although it was not certain who would get the opportunity, they still had a much better chance of becoming a Taiyi Yuan Venerate than if Luo Yunyang used it straight away.

Even though many of them were rejoicing inwardly, they also knew it was important not to show their joy at this critical juncture. Otherwise…