Nine Layers Of Heavens

"Yuan West Sky Continent's War Emperor Lingwu has arrived!

"Black North Sky Continent's War Emperor Xuanli has arrived!"

"Spirit Soul Sky Continent's War Empress Lingfeng has arrived!

As these announcements were made, distinguished martialists strode into the palace, which was entirely constructed from a scarlet sacred stone that Luo Yunyang had never seen before.

The lowest cultivation base amongst them was the peak Taichu Yuan Venerate, but there were even Taiyi Yuan Venerates.

Luo Yunyang felt as though some of the Taiyi Yuan Venerates seemed weak, just like the self-severed Supreme Incarcerate Ruler.

While the supervisor had told Luo Yunyang that he was supposed to entertain and welcome the guests, Luo Yunyang slowly began to realize that it wasn't necessary.

He had been told to welcome the less important guests, while the VIPs would be personally welcomed by the members of the Luo Family.