The Nine-Sky Yuan Map

He was breaking off the marriage agreement!

Luo Yunyang wasn't any less shocked than Huangyue upon hearing the news. In his opinion, his father had no reason to back out of this marriage.

War Empress Lingfeng might not be the number one beauty in the Vast Sky Realm, but she had definitely been in the top ten back in her heyday.

In terms of cultivation base, she was the only one who had become a War Empress out of her generation of beauties.

It could be said that she was a combination of beauty and strength with a status way more powerful than the number one beauty of the past.

She and his father seemed so compatible that it was startling. Not only were they gifted geniuses, but they were like the sun and moon that illuminated everything around them.

He's not breaking off this arrangement because of me, right?