Sky Seal Jade Plate

Excitement. The Nineteenth Prince of Sacred Emperor Palace was very excited. The reason for this excitement was the thing he was pursuing.

"Sky Seal Jade Plate!" He had actually encountered a Sky Seal Jade Plate!

Sky Seal Jade Plates were credentials for entering the core region of Boundless Taixu. Anyone that could enter the core region of Boundless Taixu could obtain benefits that were 10 or 100 times greater than those of the outer regions.

In the past, the Sky Seal Jade Plates had always been in the hands of martialists from the Taixu Sect or the Dakongfan Sect. Now, he'd actually managed to encounter the Sky Seal Jade Plate.

Even though the Sky Seal Jade Plate was too fast for him, he wasn't going to give up.

That Sky Seal Jade Plate belonged to him!

Chase, chase, chase!

After chasing it for a long while, the Nineteenth Prince finally saw hope of success. The Sky Seal Jade Plate seemed like it had slowed down considerably.