108 Dimensions

"There are still two pieces of Sky Seal Jade Plates!" Junior Brother Qin exclaimed while everyone present had a puzzled look on their faces.

What were the Sky Seal Jade Plates? They were priceless treasures that had nearly caused a fight to break out between them a while ago, when there had been insufficient pieces.

Who would have thought that, even after distributing a piece to each person, there would still be two extras?

The others, who already felt deep respect for Luo Yunyang, now seemed to revere him more than ever.

Especially Zhen Rulai, who had understood that Luo Yunyang had already improved his status so much that he simply couldn't be overlooked.

He also felt that Luo Yunyang's place in the hearts of the others was already higher than anybody else's.

If Luo Yunyang were to coagulate his Dao Energy there, an extraordinary existence would appear in the Taixu Sect.