Great Dragon Mammoth

Yuan Venerate Kongjing was the number one martialist of his generation in the Dakongfan Sect. He was also supposed to be a very prideful person!

This time, he had entered Boundless Taixu by suppressing Zheng Rulai, and his performance had been nothing short of amazing. It could even be said that he had performed perfectly.

His status in the Dakongfan Sect would only improve as long as his dazzling performance continued.

However, the emergence of Luo Yunyang was a nightmare that made him feel deep frustration and humiliation.

Not only did he have to humble himself, but he had to humble himself before someone who had stolen the Sky Seal Jade Plates of his fellow disciples!

This humiliation caused the number of Dakongfan Sect disciples entering Boundless Sky Palace to dwindle from eight to three.