After A Year

"Greetings, fellow daoist!" A Luo Yunyang dressed in green greeted and smiled at another Luo Yunyang, who was in the same exact outfit.

There were two Luo Yunyangs who weren't just alike appearance-wise. This other Luo Yunyang was an exact replica. As they stood side by side, their expressions were also indistinguishable.

Luo Yunyang had made a clone of himself before. His Chaotic Four-Origin Beast had been with him for years. However, no matter how much his Chaotic Four-Origin Beast changed, it was still only a clone embodiment.

These two bodies felt exactly the same to Luo Yunyang.

Or rather, both of them felt exactly like each other!

It was as if he had split himself into two. Although the two of them had identical expressions and thoughts, this still felt very awkward to Luo Yunyang.

The Body Clone Sky Talisman was indeed extraordinary.