The 99th Dao

In the eyes of the Mysterious Water Heavenly Ruler, the Da Qian Master was merely a junior even though he was at the helm of all matters in Da Qian Hall.

He was a junior so insignificant that he was no bother!

The Mysterious Water Heavenly Ruler was one of the founders of the six sacred halls, whereas the Da Qian Master was only his junior of many generations later.

Their lack of achievements was the reason the six Heavenly Rulers did not put too much emphasis and attention on these juniors. However, right now, the Mysterious Water Heavenly Ruler was simply dumbfounded.

This situation had developed completely differently from what he had expected.

Or rather, he simply could not believe the Da Qian Master's state!

This junior had already attained the cultivation level the Mysterious Water Heavenly Ruler had always dreamed of achieving.

"You… You are a Taiyi Yuan Venerate!" the Mysterious Water Heavenly Ruler exclaimed in astonishment.