Hoofbeats In The Starry Sky

"The Human Race already has 99 Taiyi Yuan Venerates. How is that even possible?" the Si Family Patriarch asked in horror.

This was immensely terrifying!

Although the Ancient Six Families had already been brought away, the Si Family Patriarch still felt that he needed to annihilate the Human Race.

The Si Family Patriarch believed that the Human Race had peaked when it had gone up against the Mysterious Underworld Race with four Taiyi Yuan Venerates. They had eventually been defeated even though they had someone as formidable as the Human Race's Divine Ancestor.

That was why he strongly believed that the Human Race would still eventually face total annihilation because of the impending great calamity.

However, these thoughts of his slowly dissipated as waves of sky laws that originated from the various Human Race Taiyi Yuan Venerates rose into the sky.

How strong were the 99 Taiyi Yuan Venerates?