Heaven And Earth Are Eternal, Like An Inextinguishable Soul

Enemies were meeting head-on on a narrow path!

This expression could be used to describe the scenario between the martialists led by Luo Yunyang and the Divine Troops!

The Divine Troops didn't stop at all. They continued striding forward like machinery.

Although the Human Race powerhouses all seemed to be in high spirits as they charged over with Luo Yunyang, the atmosphere instinctively turned solemn when they saw the Divine Troops, who were like machines that showed no signs of fear.

These martialists instinctively looked at Luo Yunyang as well!

"Inferno Realm!" A shout echoed amongst the Taiyi Yuan Venerates as countless blazes surged up into the void.

These blazes had many different colors. In the eyes of the many Taiyi Yuan Venerates, these surging blazes were individual nomological sky laws.

It could be said that even the most supreme treasures would be burned to a crisp in the face of these surging flames.