Destroying The Origin Intent

"Why is the Human Ruler gathering everyone right now?" the two Taiyi Yuan Venerates standing side by side outside Hong Meng Sacred Hall asked.

They couldn't care less about the crowd who respectfully bowed.

"Who knows, maybe he wants to equally divide up the resources of Tianding Realm?" the other Taiyi Yuan Venerate said with a frown. However, he didn't really believe what he had said to be true.

There was no need for the Human Ruler to gather so many people around, even though there were vast resources in Tianding Realm.

"Why do you even care so much? We'll know later when the Human Ruler tells us himself." Another Taiyi Yuan Venerate who came walking from behind laughed.

"That is right, we never need to worry about decisions made by the Human Ruler," the first Taiyi Yuan Venerate said as he laughed along.

They only felt that things were different when they finally gathered in Hong Meng Sacred Hall in front of the Human Ruler.