Times And People Have Changed

Two men from the Ancient Six Families were sitting opposite each other outside the Ancestral Mountain Gate. A black-and-white chessboard was between them.

The cultivation of these two men was only at the Universe Grade, and they were considered average among the disciples of the Ancient Six Families.

They had one task, and that was to guard the gate.

Although no one would come to look for the Ancient Six Families in such a remote place, it was still necessary for the Ancient Six Families as a sovereign force to employ guards as lookouts.

The two of them were the hapless guards chosen!

They normally lazed around all day doing nothing, and this boring chore had exhausted the vigor and vitality of the two men. Thus, they had started to play chess to kill time. Even though the senior officials of the Ancient Six Families were well aware of this, no one cared too much about it.