Controlling Samsara; Transcending The Paths

The Six Paths converged, and the fate of the Samsara was willful!

The Ancient Ancestors of the Ancient Six Families inside the light-wheel naturally knew the situation of the Six-Path Samsara best.

"What's the matter? Why is the power of the Purgatory Path weakening?" The Sky Path was the most important part of the Six-Path Samsara, and the Ancient Ancestor who controlled the Sky Path was the first to realize that something was amiss.

He snapped at the Purgatory Path Master.

"Everyone, I have no idea why my strength is weakening rapidly, but it seems like the Purgatory Path is out of my control!" the Purgatory Path Master said helplessly.

Although he felt very uncomfortable with this reprimand, he could not react to the sudden change.

"My power in the Humanity Realm is still the same, but I think the power of the Sky Path is increasing," the Humanity Path Master said.

"How about the other paths?"