Don't Belittle Anyone

A purple crane soared in the sky while clouds drifted high above the mountains!

On the mountainside, a middle-aged man was sitting in a lotus position while chanting what sounded like melodies of heaven and earth.

His words formed golden lotuses in the void, drifting and swaying elegantly as these lotuses each formed a realm of their own.

Around this man were at least a thousand people who were listening respectfully. Some were smiling, some had shut their eyes to meditate, and some scratched their heads in confusion.

However, although these people were behaving differently, they had one thing in common: All of them viewed the middle-aged man with reverence.

"Senior Brother has broken through this bottleneck on one of the sky laws. It seems that it won't be long before we have another half-step leader," said a handsome man in white long robes whose tone was filled with envy.

He envied the middle-aged man that was giving the lecture.