The Divine Sky and Wind Valley

Even though Luo Yunyang was extremely guarded against Yuan Sage Shending, he was still powerless before the Yuan Sage. That was why the only thing he could do for now was quietly accumulate even more strength.

He would only be in charge of his son's destiny when he had sufficient strength to contend against Yuan Sage Shending.

The news of Luo Shaocong's acceptance by the highly-selective Yuan Sage Shending as a disciple was a cause for celebration for the whole Luo Family.

A few martialists who had initially threatened the elders because of their displeasure about having him in the Luo Family now changed their attitude completely. Some people even attacked the perpetrators who had initially done this, and others asked Luo Yunyang to have a say in the decision-making process of the Luo Family.

Luo Yunyang did not care much about all these changes.

Even so, he followed the suggestion of the Luo Family and held a massive celebration.