Sacred Demon God Slayer

In the depths of the massive valley, nomological laws interwove, forming a whole different world.

A well-built figure with what looked like rabbit ears was meditating in a lotus position atop a stone chair.

Under him sat over a hundred formidable beasts of all shapes and sizes. In the extreme environment of the Divine Sky and Wind Valley, their actions blended into the surrounding area.

"Are we all ready?" the silhouette with the rabbit years asked hoarsely.

"We would like to report that the disciple that was sent here by the Taixu Sect has been sent in a different direction by us."

"According to our investigation, he is currently headed for the depths of the valley!" a human replied instead of a beast while working out of the undergrowth.

The human had delicate features and a head full of white hair.

He did not seem pressured or afraid of the figure seated on the stone chair. In fact, it seemed as if he was taking credit for his work.