My Will Is Heaven's Will

The giant white furry ape was the first demon beast to follow the rabbit-eared Major Venerate. It was even said that the giant white furry ape would succeed the rabbit-eared Major Venerate's position if anything unforeseen happened.

The fighting prowess of the giant white furry ape had always been the equivalent of a Taiyi Yuan Venerate.

However, this giant ape was actually slain in front of Tian Zhong and his party, causing them to feel terrified.

They looked at the rabbit-eared Major Venerate and realized that he did not show any grief or anger over the death of the giant ape.

It seemed as if the rabbit-eared Major Venerate had not even noticed that the giant white furry ape had died.

Tian Hao had a terrifying thought. He believed that this situation was actually a deliberate part of the rabbit-eared Major Venerate's plan.

In other words, the rabbit-eared Major Venerate had deliberately let his subordinates throw away their lives.