Great Samsara Millstone

He was blinded, muted, and unable to move!

Luo Yunyang was like a living dead person, but it seemed like his mind power had increased tremendously while he was in this state.

Although his mind power was suppressed by boundless spiritual essence that couldn't be expelled from his body easily, he still had unhindered perception.

"What did you encounter in there?" This voice belonged to a middle-aged man in his fifties clad in golden armor.

He stood in the void, and his cultivation level was actually at the eighth level of the Heavenly Venerate!

Eighth-level Heavenly Venerates were nothing in the Taixu Sect, but he was still a high-level martialist in the Eastern Sacred Sky Lands.

While it was still possible for Tashan and the rest to defeat an eighth-level Heavenly Venerate when they teamed up, they still shuddered in fear when they saw him.

They were afraid of this eighth-level Heavenly Venerate.